Saturday, December 10, 2011

"Holy Governmet, Batman"

I think that in this post it was very opinionated but lacking in general facts to support the thesis. I enjoyed reading the very straight forward take on how the consumer feels though. I think that this is a great way to connect with the readers. I also think that it was written in way that is easy to read and follow. It kept my interest and I would look forward to reading another post written by "Holy Government, Batman".

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Obama Reelection Odds...

What are the odds of Obama making his way to the top again? Good. Why are the odd so good?

Well, first of all, unemployment is a pretty big factor. More important than the actual unemployment figure is the trends. If unemployment is coming down, it will look better for Obama, even though it's still high.

Secondly, more important than unemployment is the alternative vision presented by the Republicans. At this point, they don't have one! There's no better way to ensure a second term for Obama than for the Republicans to continue to rely on simply bashing everything Obama does and promising that more tax cuts, will fix all our problems.

At this point, if I were betting, I'd bet on Obama getting a second term.